Maximize your pool-side vibes with an island-style accent sticker mani.
- 1. Start with freshly painted, totally dry polish. Any color that makes you happy will do, but we are currently crushing on essie Bikini So Teeny.
- 2. Select, peel, and place leaf motif sticker on the lower inner edge of your middle finger nail.
- 3. Select, peel, and place another leaf motif sticker just above it.
- 4. Repeat with another leaf motif sticker on the lower inner edge of your pointer finger nail.
- 5. Repeat with another leaf sticker just above it.
- 6. Apply one coat of The Top Coat and allow to dry completely.
- 7. Stick a straw in a coconut and you're good to go.
Ready to learn more?
We've put together some additional articles to help you on your nail journey.