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1) Does nail polish expire? Keshia and Bianca: There's not usually a date indicated on the bottle but sometimes you'll notice it separates from being unused for a long time. Also it can get goopy after frequent use and exposure to air, so definitely toss it if it's separated or been sitting around too long. @gibsontuttle says after a year or two its a goner.


3) How long does it take for nail polish to dry? Bianca: Full dry? 45 min! Be patient.  @gibsontuttle says diff formulas take diff amounts of time--it's always longer than you think.


4) How do you properly remove a hangnail? Kesha: Always use nippers. Don't tear! 

5) When filing are you supposed to go back and forth or in one direction? Thuy: Always one direction: it prevents breaking. And it's also more comfortable for those with sensitive nails. Same with removing gels: go in one direction, gently. 


6) My cuticles grow so fast but I've heard cutting them is bad. What's the deal with cutting cuticles? We're all on team push-back, but if you really want to cut the extra @thuy says push back before cutting so you can see the amount of excess 2xthumbs up this way you're only cutting what's extra. 


9) Any DIY's for rescuing a dingy, light/white colored mani? Thuy: you can try to take off the stain with some acetone or alcohol. Or very gently lightly buff to try and take off the stain and then topcoat. White stains a lot but try a white like @opi Funny Bunny which stains a little less bc it's a bit sheer.